“Larry Gus” is a comedy series, based on a real person. Fiction-made reality. Or vice versa. A frantic and intimate inventory of the creative woes and surreal existential angst defining the internationally acclaimed DFA Records producer, songwriter and performer Larry Gus. A tragicomic commentary on recurring failures as a sign of personal growth and development.
In nine 15min. episodes, we follow Larry Gus as his life starts to crumble and his deeply existential discomfort is back at full swing. A neverending quest to complete his album while trying to balance out fatherhood responsibility, creative procrastination and the fear of getting dropped by the esteemed label releasing his music. A life full of apologies, neurotic breakdowns and fleeting moments of beauty, infected with bursts of comedy, as decaying Greek reality shows its surreal face,day after day, farce after farce.
Created by: Vassilis Katsoupis & Panagiotis Melidis
A project by: FILMIKI